Jet lag is medically referred to as "desynchronosis" is a physiological condition which is a consequence of alterations to circadian rhythms; it is classified as one of the circadian rhythms sleep disorders. Jet lag results from rapid long-distance trans-meridian (east-west or west-east) travel, as on a jet plane.
Sure many of you who must often traveling for business affairs. You must attend the meeting or conference in other countries who have differences with a lot of time in Indonesia. Typically, when landing at the destination, you will have heavy jetlag. Your body can not immediately adapt to the local time zone, so this is the activity you.
If you think sleep is the only way out for you jetlag natural, think again. Try a few things below for them:
1. Sports. Prepare themselves with the physical practice before and after the trip will be very helpful. Continue this exercise when you arrive at your destination, and select a healthy food.
2. Many drinking water white. When traveling, you will be easy because of dehydration in the dry air in aircraft. This is what makes you feel very tired. Make sure you drink a lot of white water before, during, and after flying.
3. Adjust your schedule with the local time. Once arrived at the destination, follow the activities of the local. For example, according to minutes to eat lunch in the place, and sleeping on time.
4. Sleep schedule. Do anything to sleep lelap appropriate hours sleep in the local place. If necessary, use a sleep aid (sleeping pills or anything, according to the doctor) to help you fall asleep. Do not use this medication for the aircraft, and do not over consumption.
5. Bathroom. If you arrive in the morning, bathing it with cold water so you landed. This will help you feel fresh again, and stimulate blood circulation, so you're ready beraktivitas throughout the day. If you arrive late afternoon, Shower with warm water before bed to help make the body and mind rileks. After that you will be ready to sleep.
6. Avoid caffeine. Do not drink beverages containing caffeine on the day when the city of your destination shows at 13:00. Caffeine can affect your sleep, and make you more difficult to adapt to the new time zone.
7. Avoid alcohol. Do not drink alcohol the night before your departure. However, in the plane, you can drink a glass of wine to help you rileks and try to sleep. Of course, does not need to drink too much. Alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns and make your dehydration.
8. Eat more often. Especially on the first day or two of your trip, try to eat snacks every two hours. This will help keep your metabolism throughout the day, but also avoid excess food and difficult to break because the stomach is too full.
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