Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Be Wise

Many of the notes of life we all might be provide lessons and lessons as human. The people like who travel at least those who want to give time for self introspection. My own is that people like to go away and make a special trip, explore a new environment and see differences become very beautiful. This became the ritual activities such as every time I need to do so immediately, as there is time. Of course for those of you who can will often agree to do so in my opinion even though there is a different search.

This is some quote that I read from my friends and maybe can help provide knowledge for those of you who like to self-improvement. Because living in the era of globalization we can spoil and distract attention, which should have been. I am not a hypocrite, but people read different things in life is important.

16 ways be wise
1. Learn from the experience. This includes the experience of positive or negative. Let the suffering and become a teacher was a mistake, remember that mistakes teach you that things are not so effective you find things effectively. Let the suffering teach you patience, love mercy and willingness to share concerns with other people. Think in many times that happened and the things you do. Accept the responsibility on the choices you make and the consequences.
2. Develop the idea. Study did not end at the age of 17 or 20 or 30 or whatever you quit school. Learning is lifelong. Ward the mind open to new information and gesture would like taught. Seek knowledge, ideas, cultures and beranikanlah yourself visit the places that have never visited.
3. Keep the body. You know that health is important. Eat nutritious food, adequate sleep and exercise regularly, keep your body and avoid hygiene habits such as smoking is harmful.
4. Maintain the spirit.
5. Get to know yourself and what you can become. Follow the hobby and develop next. Identify yourselves also recognize and accept the limited.
6. Self-confidence
7. Open mind with other people
8. Look for and build relationships with the world.
9. Develop intuition.
10. Use intellectual healthy.
11. Make plans and take decisions based on justice and truth.
12. See the future.
13. Flexible and able to adapt.
14. Delay the desire for some time
15. To become wise, you need courage to see things from a different angle and against the ideas that have been received and how the things that were already.
16. Giving and receiving

This is not the best record but I hope there you can find all of that. Thanks

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